Saturday, October 16, 2010

Excellent wife? Or torturer?

Tyler and I both had small boughts of the Flu. Nothing life threatening, but enough that Tyler was willing to try anything to make his go away. Well, some of you may remember I used to work for YLEO. Of course I still have many wonderful oils laying around so I decided to make him a delicious tea! I knew this tea would help and I also knew he would not want to drink it because the smell is a bit strong. But I swear taste isn't!!! Well... He suffered through, making this face most of the way and dumping out the rest, but guess what! He was healed!!!!!! It may not have been what he wanted, but it was for sure what he needed. Sometimes we just have to suck it up and drink the tea.


Lindsey Bunjes said...

Good job! If you have any of those extra oils send them my way!

Corinne & Tyler Craig said...

Sorry Lindsey, I gotta keep what I have left. Sounds like your finding lots though.