Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mi Casa Es Su Casa

Is that even spelled right?

Tyler and I went today and did the final walk through on our house. Then went to the title company and signed all of the papers. As of tonight it will officially be ours! We are so blessed! The owner, Tim, is very nice! He talked us into buying a picture that he has hanging on his wall. It is really nice and we decided that instead of searching for another one, we would take the deal he was giving us. Saturday is moving day! If anyone wants to help.... haha. Actually we don't even need that much help.
We hope to start having people over ASAP, we just need a fridge and a couch to make the visit more comfortable.
In other news, my newly aquired neice Julia and I had a grand time painting toenails last night. She normally is really shy around me, but once she discovered I could paint nails, we were best buds! It was alot of fun!

1 comment:

Nisha said...

Yes, it's spelled right.

Corinne, you are an impressive blogger. Love the continual updates!

Congrats on officially being a homeowner!!!! Adam has a soccer game Saturday morning, but right after, I'll get Sophie home in bed and see if there is anything I can do to help at su casa!