Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I Guess You Had to be There

Leukemia may be the reason Tyler can no longer share a water bottle with anyone that’s really gross anyways, the reason he should avoid too many handshakes and kisses also he’s married so he shouldn’t be kissing anyone but me during the flu season, the reason the first Monday of every month has been lost to hospital visits but there are some things Leukemia didn’t take…

For example his sense of humor. It also did not alter his priorities one bit. He sticks to the important things. Why just yesterday I called Tyler (he was downstairs in his office. I was requesting to be relieved from mothering so I could take a nap shocker… I know… I knew Tyler had a few hours and would desperately want to help what dad wouldn’t. Instead of meeting my request he responded with,

“Well, how about instead I come up and eat lunch and then WE can play legos together while Sawyer naps”

Ummm I think he missed the point of my call. I even asked again if I could just nap and he insisted we needed to spend time together.

This morning I was picking up the house and getting ready to go out shopping. I asked Tyler if he would go with us. He declined making me think he had other things to do. He did…

“I’ve just got to finish this Lego set, oh, and then I’ll do the dishes in the sink” I love that he does the dishes, but I laugh at the order of importance


Making a shopping list for me is always stressful! I know I’m going to forget things and I worry about staying in budget. After I figured I had the whole list ready I said to Tyler;

“There’s just one thing worrying me about going shopping today” I’m thinking about staying in budget when I need to buy a lot of big items

Tylers quick response

“I know I know it must be Tuesday… double coupon day” Do I really complain about that every time I shop on a Tuesday? I wish you could have heard it. It’s obviously not Tuesday, he’s a little lost there, but really I do ALWAYS say that on a Tuesday and I usually just cancel all grocery shopping. I’m glad to know he has been listening.

As I read this over, these things don’t seem as funny as they did when they happened, but I’ll let you work at it and create the hilarious scene in your heads.

Here’s something funny in case this post didn’t make you laugh…

1-30-13 014

He put that hat on backwards all by his little thug self. It must be the California in him.

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