Friday, February 8, 2013

7 Months

That was a month ago... my bad... We were on vacation and when we came home the comp broke, then I think it broke again... And I lost some of my pics, but oh well. Anyways! Sawyer turned 7 months on Christmas day. We were home, but had spent the priod 10 days in CA for Kens wedding and Christmas with the fam. It was cold this trip so we had to adjust him to sleeping in colder rooms then he's used to. He didn't sleep great at all, his naps were pretty terrible too. But he was still our sweet Sawyer and was good when we really needed him to be. We took him to a park for the first time and let him swing in a swin, it was darling.... I lost those pics :( He met Santa, opened Christmas presents, attended his first wedding, played with cousins, and ate a TON!
I can't remember much between whats he's doing now and what he was doing then, I'll try though. He can sit up and crawl. He's tons better with picking things up and putting them into his mouth. Still loving baby food. Loves playing with Toby. Smiles at just about anyone and still wont sleep through church.
 Getting harder to take pics in this chair, but still sooooo cute! He turned 7 months on Christmas day.
 We spend at least one day a week at Cassies house. It's one of two homes, other then ours, Sawyer will actually nap in. Somehow there aren't many pictures of Sawyer with Cass.
Thank goodness Lexi and Jordan had a baby the same time as us. They have this saucer with a mirror on it that Sawyer LOVES!

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