Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mans best friend.... Toby

It's about time I put some pictures of Toby up. Unfortunately, the ones I have are all a few weeks old, he is much larger now. I will add the more recent ones later.
I have wanted to get a new puppy since Tyler and I got married. Tyler did not agree with the idea, I wore him down tho and when we got back from Christmas in California I picked up Toby. We purchased him from a lady who dontated the money to an adoption agency. I felt good about our money being put to such good use.
Toby has grown sooo fast! We love him, yes WE. Tyler watches him while I am at work. he enjoys have a friend to play with. Toby is almost potty trained, I can't wait till that's over. He knows how to sit, just not stay haha.
Tylers view on animals has completely changed! We love our Toby!


Nisha said...

I can't wait til he's potty trained too so you can bring him over when you come!

Amanda said...

Aww he's a cutie!! We would love a dog, but we think Peyton might be allergic!! We'll find out for sure soon.