Sunday, August 4, 2013

Life with Leukemia: Weekend Update

7-24-13 495

Who doesn’t love a family photo from the hospital?

A whole week has gone by, a whole normal week. Mondays Doctors appointment went well. Dr. D was actually out of the country so we met with a new lady. She was extremely sweet and helpful. They took more blood that day. We asked nurse M about the results from the blood work (from Friday and that day). They hadn't actually received Fridays work, but what they had just taken looked great. His WBC was at 20 something, down from 44. Potassium also down. He can go back to eating bananas, which is a good thing since he is convinced that will prevent Charley horses.

Oh Charley horses... wondering where that term comes from? So is everyone else, I found THIS and learned a bit about them.

I digress, Charley horses.

Do you have ANY idea how terrifying it can be to wake up at 2 AM to your husband who has cancer and is taking medication with side effects of all kinds screaming in pain?? I do, it's very uncool. Thankfully it was only a leg cramp. It took a second maybe a few for me to figure it out. I gave him the best advice that I could, and then went back to sleep one of us has to be awake enough to take care of this kid of ours. JK I stayed awake till it was over HOW was I supposed to sleep through the screaming? Poor guy didn't ever go back to sleep for fear it may happen again. Instead he did some Google research on CH's and read his scriptures.

Note to self: read scriptures before bed, so as to not receive a painful leg reminded in the middle of the night.

But truly honestly I am the WORST at night. THE WORST. No, not just at night, anytime I am woken out of a deep sleep, ok not just a deep sleep, any sleep.  Don't believe me, come visit me in the middle of the night, or during a nap for that matter. I should wear a shirt when I sleep that apologizes for my attitude if woken up. And when things happen at night my husband not only has to suffer his afflictions, but has to suffer my wrath as well. Therefore, I think it is always better if I just fall back asleep instead of trying to help, because my help usually turns into bitter torture of some kind. It's annoying for all parties involved.

Want to know something else annoying? Being on a pill your life depends on and forgetting it at your moms house. haha Tyler had to drive back home to his moms last night to pick up his pills he left there. I'm glad Ty can drive on his own.

The second side affect although I'm not really sure it's a side affect is Tyler's appetite. Now he's never been a bird when it comes to eating, but many of you know he does have issues with some foods and eating too much food. And knock on wood, it seems as if things are better in that area. So since he's healed for the time being why not pig out??? Tyler will go back for second and usually thirds of whatever we are eating. Despite what it may seem upon first glance he's actually not getting skinnier. As a matter of fact he's getting bigger! But just in his stomach of course. Case and point: he came out of the bathroom last night and said

" I know why I can't fast tomorrow"

we had been discussing whether or not he should participate in fast Sunday with his meds and all

Me: "Why?"

Tyler: "Because I'm pregnant" pulls up his shirt and put his hand on his stomach.

Other then that, life really is normal. The new normal.

Tyler has been working. I have been playing with Sawyer.

Yesterday Ty laid sod all morning and wasn't dying! We went to the temple that afternoon. I took Sawyer for a walk at night with my neighbor while Tyler finished up his lesson for church.

Speaking of Sawyer, since the adults in this house keep getting more boring lets talk about him for a second.

I've successfully taught him 4 1/2 REAL words! I even taped him saying them since he refuses perform in public :) He will clearly say mama, dada, cheese, more and nana. The problem with more is that he thinks it means food. Before he has even eaten he wants more, while he's eating he wants more, after he's done and sees you go to eat something he then wants more.

Eat much?

He may not speak to you, but chances are he will blow the most darling kiss you way! and who can resist a kiss from that cutie? Do I say that every time?

Today I am grateful for my neighbor across the street who humors my in my night time craziness. Something happens to me after 11:30PM and she seems to witness it more often then not and will still talk to me that next day.


Nisha said...

Perhaps you should have two sets of pills - the ones that never leave home and the ones that do leave home?! You probably already thought of that.

Jen said...

Haha I finally just read this! I'm so ecstatic that I made it onto your amazing blog! I hope I was humoring you and not waking you up. From the sounds of things that wouldn't be a pretty sight!